Forums / Install & configuration / Image missing from plain_site

Image missing from plain_site

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Peter Chan

Sunday 19 April 2009 2:00:24 pm

Hi, a newbee question: I've downloaded the latest 4.1.0 and installed it.
I've tried both Orange and Diamond skin from

In Admin | Design | Look & Feel, I have added an image and alt text, then published it, refreshed navigateur, cleared cache, etc. But I don't see this image anywhere (hoping that it's company logo or master head).

What's troublesome is the html generated shows this:
<div id="topcontent">
<div id="header">
<div id="header-design">
<a href="/ezpublish/index.php/plain_site"><img src="/ezpublish/" alt="" /></a>
The image src is incomplete.

Is this a bug? Thanks for any hint or solution.

Olivier Portier

Tuesday 28 April 2009 2:14:41 am

Hi Peter,

The modification you did in the backoffice, changed the pagelayout.tpl from the default sitedesign of your site. In fact the modification is a image class issue.
Here is the template code :


The image class called is "logo". But it does not exists for plain_site. You will have to add it.

Image classes are defined in a <i>image.ini.append.php</i> configuration file. you can change this settings in <i>settings/override/image.ini.append.php</i> or <i>settings/siteaccess/plain_site/image.ini.append.php</i> files.

<?php /* 



*/ ?>

Clear your cashes with the administration interface (Setup) and look at the changes on your front office. The logo should be displayed.

Hope this will help you.