Forums / Install & configuration / HTTP 406 error suddenly appears

HTTP 406 error suddenly appears

Author Message

Harry van Irsel

Wednesday 11 June 2008 11:56:36 am

My site ran without problems for a few years now. The last content was added on june 4th.
After that nothing is changed, but since yesterday I suddenly get HTTP 406 errors.

First I thought it had something to do with a corrupt database or table like ezurlalias, so
I asked my webhost to restore a backup from june 4th (because I'm sure the site ran OK at that time), but the problem is still there.
If I backup my site and restore it on my local machine everything runs OK.

To give an example when the problem occurs:
First I go to one of my sites (it's a site about racingpigeons in Dutch).
Then when I click on "Maandbrief juni 2008" (on the right side of the screen, just below "Nieuws en artikelen") the problem occurs.

This is just an example but I get it also on other places and in other sites.

I hope somebody can help me, because I'm stuck here and donn't know where to look......

Harry van Irsel

Wednesday 11 June 2008 12:22:24 pm

The problem is solved. My provider looked at it and he found a type error in an apache script. After correcting this everything works fine again!