Sunday 31 December 2006 6:22:41 pm
At first I wondered if it I think this might be a php requirements problem. :\ Neat read, <i></i> Yet, I wonder now after a little more thought if eZ publish web server / php user does not really have the permissions required, ie the user or permissions are not actually accurate. You could test this theory by assigning file permission to 777 instead.
I see from the output you provide you are using php 4.4.4 I would then ask just how much memory you have allocated via php.ini setting.
From the documentation, <i></i> <b>PHP memory limit issue</b> eZ publish needs at least 64 MB in order to complete the setup wizard. This means that you'll have to increase the default "memory_limit" setting which is located in the "php.ini" configuration file. (Don't forget to restart apache after editing "php.ini".) Normal operation requires about 16 MB. However, it is highly recommended that you keep the 64 MB setting since eZ publish consumes a lot more memory as soon as you use PDF export feature, reindex the search, etc. Multi-lingual sites that store the content in Unicode (UTF-8) will also require at least 64 MB.
Cheers, <i>//kracker Metallica - Nothing Else Matters</i>
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