Wednesday 05 September 2007 12:06:15 pm
You don't need more ram, you need to increase php's memory limit. By the error it seems that it's currently set to 64mb. From the page J-A is linking to:
PHP memory limit issue
eZ Publish needs at least 64 MB in order to complete the setup wizard. This means that you'll have to increase the default "memory_limit" setting which is located in the "php.ini" configuration file. (Don't forget to restart apache after editing "php.ini".) Normal operation requires about 16 MB. However, it is highly recommended that you keep the 64 MB setting since eZ Publish consumes a lot more memory as soon as you use PDF export feature, reindex the search, etc. Multi-lingual sites that store the content in Unicode (UTF-8) will also require at least 64 MB.
So while installing you need to set it to 96mb, then you can set it back to 64mb after the install if you want to. This is something being worked on and in the upcomming php 5 port this should improve because of converting to useing php5's xml functions instead of the code we currently have (ezxml).
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE