Forums / Install & configuration / ezpublish-3.8.6_installer - Windows / ezpublish-3.8.6-gpl

ezpublish-3.8.6_installer - Windows / ezpublish-3.8.6-gpl

Author Message

Gan Jay

Wednesday 08 November 2006 8:48:57 am


I am new to this ez publish and have few questions:
1) I downloaded ezpublish-3.8.6_installer.exe and .
I installed the installer.exe(windows) and I dont know how to proceed from here.
2)DO I need to install the gpl files in my server?
3)WIll this ez publish can be used for my current site to edit files and save them and see the files using the browser?
4)Right now in the demo I can see a "Tree Like Menu" to display the folders.Is it possible for my folders and files too if I just install it?or is there any programming to make this.

Eagerly waiting for reply.


Marco Zinn

Wednesday 08 November 2006 1:19:18 pm


as you are new to eZpublish, can you please just tell us, what you want to do with eZpublish?
You talk about your "current site"... do you already have a site, that you want to edit with eZpublish? Do you want to create a completly new site?

The windows installer (.exe) can be used to install a whole eZpublish software package on your desktop PC or laptop. This will include the webserver (Apache) including PHP, the Database server (MySQL) and eZpublish itself.
With this, you can play around with the system, but you will not be able to use eZpublish on your server. That means: You can use the software "offline" and see, if this is, what you need. It is a kind of "preview" of what you can get, when you install eZpublish on your server. Please note: If you create a site on your desktop PC, it is very difficult to "move" this site to your server later. Don't do this ;)
So, for your windows PC, you will not need the GPL files.

The GPL Files are the application files for eZpublish, which can be used to install eZpublish on your webserver. But you will also need PHP 4.4 and a MySQL-Database on your server. This should already be there, provided by your web hoster.

I hope, this helps.
You will find more details here in the online documentation:

If you have more questions, just ask, i'm sure, we can help you along.
