Monday 01 October 2007 4:08:25 pm
# Nope. Unfortunately, that's by hand. Have a look at the update mysql scripts, and create reverse SQL commands. #Are you sure it will solve your webdav problems ? Webdav is "not broken but not that working either" since quite a few versions, doubt it has any regression introduced #in 3.9.4. What's the problem you want to avoid ? Hi Xavier I was afraid of that... Webdav was working in our dev site, which was running 3.9.2, and has stopped since we upgraded to 3.9.3. The problem is that Webdav uploading of items doesn't seem to work any more. You can still move objects around, but no uploading, which kind of kills it's usefulness a bit - well, completely, actually :). When's 3.10 due? paul b
Paul Bolger