Different URL alias for different siteaccess / Install & configuration / Forums - Share eZ Publish! The eZ Publish Community

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Different URL alias for different siteaccess

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Ly Lo Cong

Tuesday 14 April 2009 1:11:37 am


I've set up a multilingual website using eZpublish 4.1. Each language has its own siteaccess with its own hostname (fr.mysite.com, jp.mysite.com, ru.mysite.com, etc.)
Is it possible to have a different url alias for each siteaccess pointing to the same node?
For example, fr.mysite.com/url-in-french and ru.mysite.com/url-in-russian are pointing to the same node but showing the corresponding language.
Thanks in advance.


Andreas Kaiser

Tuesday 14 April 2009 7:05:14 am

Not sure what you want, by default ezp 4.1 has url aliases specific for every language. This means if we have a content object (for example node 2) translated in different languages:

a.) russian -> ru_url_alias

b.) french -> fr_url_alias

and you configure fr.example.com with french as main language, the url for node 2 would be fr.example.com/fr_url_alias and in a similar case in russian: ru.example.com/ru_url_alias

So the url aliases are different, but point to the same node in a different language.

Does this help?

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Web: http://www.atela.net/

Ly Lo Cong

Tuesday 14 April 2009 9:03:15 am

yes, that's exactly what I wanted. Just wasn't sure if it was possible. Thanks!
