Friday 08 August 2003 1:22:25 am
Yes, but yesterday with no significant difference, the compiled Template uses the cached cache-block. I have with compiled Template:
Template Total
0.8562 sec
Total script time: 1.2974 sec
First hit when cache is build:
Template Total 3.9713 sec
with compile and cache-block
Template Total
0.2341 sec
Total script time: 0.6734 sec
First hit when cache is build:
Template Total
3.6919 sec
Total script time: 4.2983 sec
Oh, that's funny, today I can see the difference.
Linux gamma 2.4.20
CPU: 1 Gh
RAM: 1 Gb
I telefoned with my Provider (shared Hosting):
CPU 90% when cache is build
CPU 30% cached hit
normal CPU 10%
No Zend or other Caches
PHP Version 4.3.1 mbstring on. Apache/1.3.26
But it is slow. I tried yesterday to implement the Pear userlandcache to cache all. It was very usefull, when I cached the result of the whole index.php with all. But when I only cached the template result, there was no big difference. A lot of time get lost in index.php in the ini and control functions before the template engine is started. If I cache the full index.php result, I need an unique cachefile for every case (user, Basket, search) or find a solution to cache only normal anonymous hits. But it makes no sense to cache cached files and have them twice or with cache-block three times. Greetings, ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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