Forums / Install & configuration / Another 500 Internal Server Error Question

Another 500 Internal Server Error Question

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Chris Hubert

Tuesday 29 May 2007 7:58:05 am

Greetings all,
I have been trying to install ez Publish 3.9.x for a while now on a bluehost account with no luck. I keep getting that anoying "500 internal server error" that seems to be pleagueing alot of people. So I tried to drop down to 3.8.9 --- And it worked. Wow. No my question is, what could it be between 3.8 and 3.9 that would do this?

I know I have tried all the suggestions on the other posts with the 3.9 insatll about upping the setting in the php.ini file but no luck and on the 3.8 install, I didn't have to edit a thing. ran smooth out of the box. I Know I can use 3.8 but I would really like to move up to 3.9 with the ezwebin. Someone please help, especially if you have been able to get it on a bluehost account. Thanks.

PHP 4.4.6
MySQL 4.1.21-standard-log
Apachie 1.3.37(Unix)

Brian Baxter

Saturday 30 June 2007 3:57:13 pm

maybe see this post?

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