Wednesday 18 June 2008 10:19:46 am
[apache2.2 & ez4.0] Hi there, My ezpublish directory is httpdocs/ and I have all my website in this folder. In this directory I created a directory called "rep" and it's not allowed to access it by default. Here is my .htaccess (which I modified) available at the root of httpdocs/ :
# Copy this file to a new file called .htaccess in your eZ Publish root
# to make the site more secure in non-virtualhost mode (index.php used in urls).
php_value allow_call_time_pass_reference 0
<FilesMatch ".">
order allow,deny
deny from all
<FilesMatch "(index\.php|\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html)|var(.+)storage.pdf(.+)\.pdf)$">
order allow,deny
allow from all
<Directory /var/www/vhosts/MY_WEBSITE/httpdocs/rep>
order allow,deny
allow from all
# If you see "Forbidden" when trying to access root page of your site
# without 'index.php' appended, uncomment the following "Files" section.
# NOTE: replace "ezpublish-3.6.0" with base name of the directory
# where your eZ Publish intallation resides.
# e.g. base name of "/sites/ezpublish/ezpublish-3.6.0" is "ezpublish-3.6.0".
#<Files "ezpublish-3.6.0">
# order allow,deny
# allow from all
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule content/treemenu/?$ index_treemenu.php
RewriteRule index_treemenu.php - [L]
RewriteRule !\.(gif|jpe?g|png|css|js|html)|var(.+)storage.pdf(.+)\.pdf$ index.php
DirectoryIndex index.php
You can see that I added :
<Directory /var/www/vhosts/MY_WEBSITE/httpdocs/rep>
order allow,deny
allow from all
The rest if default code. But with this directive I still can't access to the directory called "rep" (internal server error). Any ideas please ?