Carlos Caballero
Friday 06 July 2007 1:57:37 pm
Thanks, Bruce!
No, it did not work. Here is some additional data:
* I changed the owner and group of the complete set of files to 'apache', and verified that Apache is running under that ID. <b>Did not work</b> -- When I look at the Apache log, all it says is that
(13)Permission denied: access to / denied (13)Permission denied: access to /favicon denied * I don't know if this can help you to help me... but the modules active in Apache are: core, mod_access, mod_actions, mod_alias, mod_asis, mod_auth, mod_auth_dbm, mod_auth_digest, mod_autoindex, mod_cache, mod_cern_meta, mod_cgi, mod_dav, mod_dir, mod_disk_cache, mod_env, mod_imap, mod_include, mod_info, mod_log_config, mod_mem_cache, mod_mime, mod_mime_magic, mod_negotiation, mod_perl, mod_php4, mod_proxy, mod_setenvif, mod_speling, mod_ssl, mod_status, mod_suexec, mod_userdir, mod_vhost_alias, and prefork
<b>Any</b> help will be very much appreciated
Cheers Carlos
Carlos Caballero
Friday 06 July 2007 6:16:29 pm
Thanks again, Bruce! You propose two root causes: 1. INCOMPLETE VHOST DEFINITION My fault, the rest was already there but I did not quote it in the original message. BEFORE the lines that I reproduced, it says:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "/home/ccweb/matador"
...from here on already quoted
. 2. SECURE LINUX ISSUES I will check a little further, and give you an update. I fetched the article you mentioned, and even when it does not strictly refer to the same issue I am encountering, tried the command mentioned in the thread (quoted below), and got an invalid syntax error, which I will try to pursue. I will report again, in the meanwhile any ideas are of course <b>very welcome</b>. How I tried (and failed) to stop SE for httpd: setsebool -P httpd_disable_trans 1 service httpd restart
Cheers, and a great weekend for you! Carlos