Wednesday 25 March 2009 5:16:46 am
Are you using Internet Explorer? Which version are you using? There is a known bug in the WebDAV support in Internet Explorer. Follow these steps to get it working, although it might not work 100% even after applying them:
1. Enable Basic authentication by going to the Registry (Start->Run..., regedit.exe) and then to the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WebClient\Parameters
Create (if it doesn't exist) a DWORD value with the name UseBasicAuth, with
the value 1 (1 = enable Basic authentication, 0 = disable Basic authentication).
Create (if it doesn't exist) a DWORD value with the name BasicAuthLevel, with
the value 2 (0 = Disable Basic authentication, 1 = enable Basic authentication only on SSL connections, 2 = enable Basic authentication even without SSL). 2. Install the Software Update for Web Folders (KB907306) from Microsoft: 3. Restart Windows.