Thursday 22 June 2006 1:48:57 am
I've tried to insert this code in an XML field:
<link href='http://some/url'>line 1
line 2
line 3</link>
Ezpublish 3.7.6 (publishing the object and re-editing it) transform the above code in:
<link href='http://some/url'>line 1line 2line 3</link>
deleting all line breaks! Ezp 3.8.0 perform a different transformation on the same code:
<link href='http://some/url'>line 1</link>
<link href='http://some/url'>line 2</link>
<link href='http://some/url'>line 3</link>
duplicating links!
I think neither ezp 3.7.6 and 3.8.0 behave correctly... I would like ezp retain all line breaks inside my single link.