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Show image object in template

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Lars Arne Brekken

Wednesday 09 July 2003 6:37:00 am

I have a class that has two attributes; a TextField and an Image.

In the template for this class, I want to show the small version of this image.

I guess it's simple, but I really can't figure it out...


Paul Borgermans

Wednesday 09 July 2003 7:04:10 am

You can pass this as a variable to attribute_view_gui

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$myAttribute image_class=small}

Here is the complete list of variables that are in the standard distribution with their defaults.


Also, check the directory design/standard/templates/content/dadatype/view for parameters of the other datatypes.

You can also add variables of your own of course, but don't do that in the standard design directory


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