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Question regarding multiple users/permissions levels

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Taylor Ogden

Friday 02 July 2010 11:13:22 am

Hey everyone, I work at a treatment center for teenagers and we are required by the state to document every little thing that we do with the clients. We currently have an online system set up, but I hate it. I've been looking around at other alternatives and I've come across eZ Publish. I'm impressed with what I see. However, before I dive in and start working on things I want to get some input from people who have used the software.

Here's what I'm looking to set up:

- A page for every client, where all information on them is stored. This includes addresses, age, medical info, recent documentation made on the client, etc.

- Multiple users with different levels of permissions. These would be along the lines of "staff" who would be able to edit basic information on a client page (such as adding documentation). "Parents" who would be presented with a page displaying basic info regarding their child, but no option to edit anything. And "Supervisor" which would allow the creation of new client pages.

- The entire system would need to be password protected.

I'm basically just wondering if eZ Publish would be a good choice to set up a system like the one I've described. What are your thoughts/opinions?


Ivo Lukac

Saturday 03 July 2010 3:01:41 am

Hello Taylor and welcome to #ezcommunity :)

Regarding the ez access control subsystem, you can do far more with it. Take a look at these links:


Doug Brethower

Saturday 03 July 2010 5:10:13 am

Welcome Taylor.

As Ivo says, you would be scratching the surface of the permissions capabilities.

Client page you describe is likely a custom content CLASS to define and restrict inputs to exactly information desired, no more, no less.

To restrict access, one content SECTION per client may be the easiest way to restrict parents to just their child's info. If you have hundreds of teens, you may want to do some load testing.

eZ Publish makes it easy enough to do just about any form of data management you desire. Understanding nomenclature and getting started without getting lost are the two greatest difficulties. In this case, start with CLASS and SECTION and hopefully your study of the possibilities will unfold quickly.

Custom CLASS howto step by step:

Sections and permissions are very powerful, somewhat difficult to grasp first few times through. Particularly when actually working with them in the GUI it can get confusing. Hopefully this link lends some understanding and serves as a starting point for exploring SECTIONS:

Doug Brethower
Apple Certified Technical Consultant, Southwest, MO USA