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Pls explain namespace concept in sections

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SathishKumar Subramanian

Saturday 13 December 2003 2:06:34 am


I am strucking in the namespace concept while using more than one "sections" and "let". I cant get the solution to findout the problem because of namespace. Pls explain the namespace concept in sections.

Thanx in Advance :)


Georg Franz

Saturday 13 December 2003 6:34:21 am

Hi Sathizh,

have a look at

But using Namespaces give you more troubles than not using them. (I've wasted a lot of hours to find that out.)

The main problem of the Namespace-Feature: You can't set global variables in a nested namespace.


{let name=myglobalnamespace
{section name=mysection loop=7}
{section name=mysubsection show=$myglobalnamespace:first}
{set first=false()}

-> Setting $first to "false" won't work, because the parser looks for the variable "$myglobalnamespace:mysection:mysubsection:first" which doesn't exist.

And - a main lack of ez - you can't using the set-function with Namespaces.

{set myglobalnamespace:first=false()} produces an error.

So, only use Namespaces, if you don't want to set variables in a Subnamespace.

Kind regards,

Best wishes,

-- Horoskop website which uses eZ Publish since 2004

Lazaro Ferreira

Sunday 25 January 2004 2:01:25 pm


I have to agree with you, this namespaces features could be a real nigthmare for an ezpublish template beginner

What a pity for reading your post so late, after wasting lot of time thinking how to set a global or outer namespace variavel in a nested namespace

The bad thing about this, is that it doesn't appear docummented in namespace documentation



Paul Borgermans

Monday 26 January 2004 4:20:27 am


You can set global variables, study the example below and try it out:

{let a=3
{section name=test loop=$b}
{let a=$test:item}
<p>local a={$test:a}, global a={$a}</p>
{set-block scope=root variable=a}{$test:a}{/set-block}
<p>again after set-block, local a={$test:a}, global a={$a}</p>

If you think this is useful, buy me a beer at the next summer conference and buy the book on ezp when it comes out


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training