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Online Editor Demo Problems

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Milt Martin

Friday 30 December 2005 3:27:10 pm

Try this simple test using online editor demo 3.6 to demonstrate a continuing problem with this buggy software component that never gets fixed:
1. Create an article that includes a link to another website.
2. Edit this article and revise the url of the link.
3. Notice the linked text now appears at top of article!?
The usual workaround remains disabliing editor, make chages and the send for publishing.

My PC environment is:
Linux (Simplymepis 3.?)
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7

The editor exhibits other problems too:
1. More often than not when first entering data into an article or weblog the cursor disappears and you have to discard to try again
2. Occaisionally when entering a new article after sending for publishing the entered data disappears entirely!?

Due to the continuing problems above our development group (which has deployed several eZ sites) is starting to doubt the reliability of your online editor altogether.

I would urge other developers who plan on allowing site users/members/customers to contribute content (either via admin interface or "edit" buttons in user interface) to TEST, TEST, TEST the online editor in your environment to make sure its reliable enough for your intended users.

Per-Espen Kindblad

Monday 02 January 2006 1:03:50 pm

I agree. We have tested the editor since v. 3.0.x and our users are still reporting bugs when then use this online editor. The last 2 years I've reported about 20-30 bugs with this editor myself, and many of the same bugs appear over and over again.

Some of the problem-topics are:
- headings
- tables
- links (inserting links and when removing, all the code is not removed)
- browser problems (targeting the mousepointer over a link is causing text and images to disappear or beeing moved)
- nested lists?? etc.
- validation is not giving reasonable error messages to the users, it just removes text without letting the user know what's beeing removed when tags are not supported in the text
- unordered list inside celles in tables with headings etc. often causes problems with placement and is not shown correctly
- placement of objects

Even if there's problems with this editor, this should be a free product. When newcomers to eZ publish install this CMS for the first time, it's a headache to publish content with no editor. Many newcomers therefore drop eZ publish and checks out other CMS. Without an editor, you don't have a fully functional CMS, because without bying the Online Editor, you can't get a linebreak in the text without writing code, you can't insert images without writing code...users or administrators are not able to do so much with a default eZ publish installation when it comes to content-administration.

So, my advice is: "Make this Online Editor free". I'm sure this will give a better impression of eZ publish to newcomers and potential customers.

I have also spoken to Aleksander (the eZ Boss), and have told them that eZ publish need more testing..and eZ Systems needs a test team which tests everything from a user-perspective (not hardcore programmers). It's important that eZ publish gets systematically tested, both from programmers (yes..speed etc.), from ordinary users, administrators and also from people who are not so familiar with these kinds of systems. There are many Content Management systems on the market today, and I guess eZ has the largest buglist of them all. So this should be a proof enough that eZ publish needs more testing.

We are still testing this system, but not so much as before, since we also want to focus on development. I therefore hope that eZ Systems will focus more on testing, before a new version is beeing released.

Frederik Holljen

Monday 02 January 2006 3:15:57 pm

Hi guys,

We have been working very hard on the online editor lately and I urge you to try the 4.0 version (which is available for download.. official release tomorrow). We have no open bug reports on Online Editor currently and yes... we are testing it thoroughly.

Per-Espen Kindblad

Tuesday 03 January 2006 1:52:26 am

Is it free..or just available for download so we can test it?