Forums / General / How to measure the dynamism of a community of CMS?

How to measure the dynamism of a community of CMS?

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Loiret Mélodie

Thursday 08 February 2007 5:01:44 am


I have just discovered the principle of CMS. I find the brilliant tool, we can make a Web site, in any simplicity. But what I especially discovered, it is the community which there is all around.

As a result, I am going to make my report of the end of studies on communities CMS and their dynamism, thus I in appeal to your knowledge of the world of CMS:

How and why chose you eZ?
- Had you criteria predefined on CMS or on the community?
- Was it the first one whom you used and if not, why to have changed?
- What are according to you the advantages of eZ and it community with regard to the other CMS?
- The fact whether he is Open source, don't worry you when in its future? Because the core team can stop developing at any time

In brief, just as much of questions who could direct me a little. All the answers and the opinions are welcome. I thank you in advance and I apologize for my bad English.
Have a nice day

paul bolger

Sunday 18 February 2007 5:49:21 am

Hi Loiret
I'm probably not that experienced with CMS's but may have some light to shed on the place of eZ:

- Had you criteria predefined on CMS or on the community?
There are a few people we know using EzPublish - we respect their judgement.

- Was it the first one whom you used and if not, why to have changed?
I used a proprietory CMS for a long time, it's not available to me any more (and by the standards of what's available now it was pretty primative). I've also used Joomla, and I can see real problems with that. I've also tried a couple of others which didn't seem to have the community to sustain them.

- What are according to you the advantages of eZ and it community with regard to the other CMS?
EzPublish has a much better WYSIWYG editor, image processing + is really flexible.

- The fact whether he is Open source, don't worry you when in its future? Because the core team can stop developing at any time

Open source is great - I'm really sick of getting behind a closed source system and having it die on us. With open source you know how healthy the product is. Software is all about momentum - with OSS you just have to monitor the forums or the file download areas to know whether your platform is healthy.

EzPublish may or may not be the future of CMS systems, but it's in with a pretty good chance from what I can see.

Paul Bolger