Forums / General / Features for magazine publication

Features for magazine publication

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Victor Da Luz

Wednesday 01 August 2007 5:04:51 pm

I'm looking around for a CMS suitable for magazine publication, EZ-Publish has an impressive set of features but I could not find if it has one of the features we are looking for.

Is it possible to group articles by issue? We need the articles to be grouped this way, with the latest issue displayed in the front page and the previous issues viewable in the archives.

Is there a feature like this?


Thiago Campos Viana

Wednesday 01 August 2007 6:23:34 pm

yes it is possible. just create a folder for each issue. change the template of the parent node of the issues folder to fetch the latest published node and display the attributes of this node.

you will have to learn about the ez template system, and then do something like:

go to the admin interface->design->templates->node/view/full
create a new override to the node you want to show the latest issue.
change the priorite of the override to 0 and update priorities.

it'll be necessary to write something like this to fecth the latest issue:

{def $lastissue=fetch( 'content', 'list', hash(
'parent_node_id', 69,
'sort_by', array( 'published', false() )

to display the attributes:

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$lastissue[0].data_map.issue_attribute}

it is just example... you have to learn, or your programmers, the ez templates systems to do this and a lot more!

eZ Publish Certified Developer:
