Monday 22 June 2009 4:26:55 pm
The technical documentation of eZ Publish seems to suppose that eZ Publish runs on a personal server. Well, eZ Publish seems to run very well also on some shared webspace. My eZ Publish websites are running on a shared webspace at I have copied the file .htacess_root to a file .htacces, and added to it: AddHandler php-fastcgi .php Then I have copied the file conifig.php_RECOMMENDED to config,php, and added to it my timezone. The only non-cirtical remark I got when installing eZ Publish was that the environment variable $ENV was not accessible. However, eZ Publish seems to run very fine in this environment. My future intention is of course to be able to run eZ Publish on a private server, so I can fully configure the server as required by eZ Publish. About other things, this will allow me to increase the processing time of the eZ Publish scripts, so the database wil not remain in an an inconsitent stare.