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eZ Publish 4 - impressions, problems, and such ;)

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Piotrek Karaś

Friday 05 October 2007 12:03:27 am

So it is eventually out there :) Looks and feels like the old eZ Publish, which is rather good news.

The first impression after a local installation is that it is FAST! It's just a feeling, cannon back it up with test results, but the installation processing seems to take half the time of eZP 3.9.x, or even less. Similar observations?

However, I encountered memory problems when trying to install in a shared-hosting environment. Unfortunately, there's no documentation out yet, so my question is: what's the minimum recommended amount of memory for eZ Publish 4?

Keep testing :)

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André R.

Friday 05 October 2007 12:12:14 am

Could you get a number for how much memory php is set up with on that shared host( phpinfo() if available ), and php version?

To put it in perspective, I have heard of problems with 3.9.3 with 64mb limit in php.
But in theory ezp 4.0 should use less because its using the native xml parsing insted of ezxml.

Also, are you installing ezwebin or plainsite?

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Piotrek Karaś

Friday 05 October 2007 5:23:04 am

<b>1)</b> Here's the error message (second page of installation wizard):

Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 1048576) (tried to allocate -1 bytes) in /kernel/setup/ezsetuptests.php on line 592
Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request

The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

<b>2)</b> On the welcome page of the wizard, the list of installation language, the list is empty:

   <legend>Select installation language:</legend>
   <select name="eZSetupWizardLanguage">

<b>3)</b> phpinfo():
memory_limit 128M 128M

<b>4)</b> Haven't even reached design choise ;) If i make it there, I'll try both.

BTW: it is a FreeBSD-based hosting solution, with PHP Version 5.2.1 in <b>CGI mode</b> (!!!), but has always worked perfectly (in most areas) with eZ Publish 3.x.x (a number of installations of v3.8.2-3.9.3).

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Piotrek Karaś

Friday 05 October 2007 5:42:50 am

Hehe, just found it in the main index.php file:

@ini_set( 'memory_limit', '42M' );

Maybe it's not the matter of memory after all...

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Piotrek Karaś

Friday 05 October 2007 7:20:18 am

Ok, I'm there. Few unimportant but crucial things I've messed up (which resulted in missing languages, for example). But the key thing is:
<i>/kernel/setup/ezsetuptests.php line 589:</i>
if ( extension_loaded( 'posix' ) )
$userInfo['has_extension'] = true;
<b> $uinfo = posix_getpwuid( posix_getuid() );
$ginfo = posix_getgrgid( posix_getgid() );</b>
$userInfo['user_name'] = $uinfo['name'];
$userInfo['user_id'] = $uinfo['uid'];
$userInfo['group_name'] = $ginfo['name'];
$userInfo['group_id'] = $ginfo['gid'];
$userInfo['group_members'] = $ginfo['members'];
$userInfo['script_user_id'] = getmyuid();
$userInfo['script_group_id'] = getmygid();
Commenting out above code lets me install 4.0alpha with no problems whatsoever. Doublechecked - the above posix_get... functions aren't used anywhere else in the application.

BTW, my phpinfo posix details: $Revision: $

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