Forums / General / Extensions in 3.6 vs. 3.9

Extensions in 3.6 vs. 3.9

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Karl H

Wednesday 30 May 2007 4:39:35 am

Hi there!

We're currently modifying an EZ site for a new client and I've got a question, perhaps someone got an opinion to share?

The client is currently running version 3.6.11 and they're hosted by a partner organisation, so have no say in terms of versions. There is a plan to upgrade to version 3.9 in June/July and I'm wondering if it makes more sense to wait for 3.9 in order to get access to better extensions/modules? Many of them seem to be for 3.8+.

We've built sites in other CMSs but this will be our first EZ, though we're only modifying, not building from scratch. Having read through some of the guides (frontend, admin) I'm quite excited about the setup!

The particular new functions which are required, are:

1. Newsletter
2. Membership area (this will just be a registered sektion, i.e. no extension needed)
3. Membership application form
4. Forum
5. Online survey
6. Event registration

Looking through the resources, I've found certain interesting extensions, such as ez_Newsletter ( ), ez_Membership ( ), the FormBuilder for surveys ( ) etc.

Would be grateful for some input!


André R.

Wednesday 30 May 2007 4:56:55 am

Newsletter 1.5.x is actually made for 3.9, and the bug mentioned in membership was fixed in 3.9.2. As for form builder you have to ask designIT.

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Bruce Morrison

Wednesday 04 July 2007 3:26:53 pm

Hi Karl

Formbuilder works with 3.9.x


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