Forums / General / Displaying custom class images - ezimagealiashandler

Displaying custom class images - ezimagealiashandler

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Michael Scott

Friday 20 April 2007 12:11:54 pm


I've just started using eZ publish (latest version) and am having trouble displaying images that I'm retrieving from a custom class.

It seems like it should be such a simple thing to do but I haven't been able to find a solution anywhere. Here's my code:

{def $winners=fetch( 'content', 'tree',
hash( 'parent_node_id', 82,
'attribute_filter', $search_array ) )}

{foreach $winners as $w}
{* display selection id *}

{* display image....? Line below outputs "Object(ezimagealiashandler)" *}

The code is retrieving my custom objects just fine but after searching for everything i can think of I still can't figure out how to display the image properly. Even the code to display a selection id seems unnecessarily complicated...surely there's an easier way to access an attribute (by name) ?

Would greatly appreciate any help anyone could give me.



Nabil Alimi

Friday 20 April 2007 12:42:59 pm

Hi Michael,

Simple. As expected. :)

You can use the <b>attribute_view_gui</b> operator.

{attribute_view_gui attribute=$w.object.contentobject_attributes[6] image_class=(small|large|original|*any-other-format-youve-defined)}

Besides, rather than


you can use something like


It will be much more easier to maintain and in case you change the orders of your attributes in your content class, you won't need to change your templates.

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eZ Publish Freelance developper. Feel free to contact me +33 674 367 057
nabil at assiki d0t fr

Michael Scott

Friday 20 April 2007 12:50:37 pm

Exactly what i needed. Thanks for such a quick reply!