Forums / General / Cluster Cache Question

Cluster Cache Question

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Felipe Jaramillo

Friday 28 September 2007 9:17:17 am

Hello all,

We are studying using cluster solutions in some sites. The documentation page ( says:

"Data that must be synchronized between the different servers is stored using the database:

* Binary files
* Image and image alias files
* Caches related to content:
o Content view cache
o Template block cache
o Expiry cache
o URL alias cache
o RSS cache
o User info cache
o Class identifier cache
o Sort key cache

Other files are stored using the filesystem, including (but not limited to):

* INI files
* Template files
* Compiled templates
* PHP files
* Log files
* Caches that are not related to content:
o Global INI cache
o INI cache
o Codepage cache
o Character transformation cache
o Template cache
o Template override cache

My question is about how these files, especially INI Files are shared or syncronized among the cluster nodes.

Does a normal cluster setup require an rsync of these files? Wouldn't it be better to store everything on the DB?

Thanks in advance! "



Felipe Jaramillo
eZ Certified Extension Developer | Bogotá, Colombia

Xavier Dutoit

Friday 28 September 2007 9:42:48 am




What do you have against rsync ?

Felipe Jaramillo

Friday 28 September 2007 9:19:39 pm


Good point, it was hilarious!

This is the story: one of our clients datacenter security department decided they would not let any traffic from port 80 change any files in the filesystem, after having security problems with other web solutions.

It is pretty obvious what one would think of a security policy like this, but for now we are forced to take the time to consider how this could be achieved.

All cache that can expire or be cleared, should eventually be able to generate itself into the DB through normal traffic in port 80, while the admin area runs in a more relaxed port 8080.

The way we're doing this is to use a cluster configuration on a single server, but need to be able to persist things like INI cache, template cache and probably compiled template cache too.



Felipe Jaramillo
eZ Certified Extension Developer | Bogotá, Colombia

André R.

Saturday 29 September 2007 3:39:51 am

Be aware of higher mysql load with the cluster setup.
Thats one reason why not everything is in db, it wouldn't make sense.

Also be aware that the cluster soulution is higly improved in 3.10, but only works in mysql now.
So since 3.10 is about to be finalised you might want to use 3.10 or 4.0 ( the php5 version) from the beginning.

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