Forums / Discussions / Extending eZ Publish’s REST API - Developer Preview #2
Friday 24 December 2010 6:45:20 am - 2 replies
» Read full tutorial
At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to embed your custom RESTful interface into eZ Publish, to be further consumed by any 3rd party-service :
Gaetano Giunta
Monday 28 February 2011 10:32:18 am
Nice intro. Now some questions:
1. Is there any description of how the different components interact (controllers, routers, views and whatnot)?
2. is it possible to have unversioned urls?
3. how to recover data in the controller's actions (get, post et similia?)
Principal Consultant International Business Member of the Community Project Board
Tuesday 01 March 2011 3:25:02 am
Some tips, for users of the 4.5 beta 1 release:
- to disable auth on your route, you need to use the SkipFilter paratemeter, with the name of the controller class and the actions that do not need to be authentified
- the example given here is not working anymore. the object returned by the action should be an ezpRestMvcResult
- there's a bug if you name your route the same as the provider in rest.ini
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