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workflow and http post variables

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Lars Eirik R

Thursday 29 July 2010 7:29:46 am


I need to further extend the updatebasket functionality in ez.

I do not want to mess with the kernel so i have created a workflow event which is picked up nicely by the updatedbasket function.

My problem is however that none of the http variables seem to be available.

I am running ezpublish version 4.1.3

I am uzing ezHTTPTool::instance and no matter what i do the variables from /shop/basket are not present..

Is this suppose to work?


I now see that i can inherit a method from the superclass which should be used, but even fetchHTTPInput seems not to be called

I have implemented this method with just a quick die(test) call and it skips this as well.

IT seems to only call the function "execute(process,event)";

I would assume that the fetchHTTPInput function would be called by the ezframework before the execute method..

Any help is greatly appreciated as I need access to these variables.