Tuesday 06 December 2005 8:18:15 pm
Hi all, I'm trying to implement sIFR on my site and I've run into an odd problem that someone may have a solution to. I'm using sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement) v2.0.1 http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/archive/2004/08/sifr and I have set it up and tested it on a static page on my local machine and it all works perfectly. So I went about setting it up on my site and I was very careful to put everything in the right place (CSS, javascript, swf, etc.) and make sure eZ knows where to find everything, but when I load a page the flash shows up but the text is nowhere to be seen? I have checked the DOM and sure enough everything looks to be where it should be, if I check the source I can see the output from the sIFR: // this source is generated by the sifr.js
<h3 class="sIFR-replaced">
<embed style="width: 772px; height: 24px;" class="sIFR-flash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" sifr="true" bgcolor="#ffffff" wmode="" flashvars="txt=Panasonic&textcolor=#2a417a&w=772&h=24" quality="best" src="./myfont.swf" height="24" width="772">
<span class="sIFR-alternate">my text</span>
So the flash is defiantly there but no text? One thing I have tried to change is the path to the .swf, the .swf resides in the JavaScript directory with the sifr.js, so I have tried different paths to see if this was the problem, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. I tried: design/[site]/javascript/myfont.swf, javascript/myfont.swf and ./myfont.swf. Has anyone come across this type of problem before? I thought it may have something to do with .htaccess rewrite rules so I added swf to the rules but no joy, the odd thing is the flash is displaying (and was before I changed the rules) but the content is not. If you have any suggestions please let me know, they will be very much appreciated. Cheers!
Pardon me while I burst into flames...