just a quick one:
Let's say, i have a class containing 10 attributes. Now, i want to search objects matching search criteria of 5 attributes, that is fetch a list of them.
e.g. Search all "Cats" where "color=black" and "size=small" and "Eyes=green" and "age<2"
How do i do this?
I only found a the docs on searching by one attribute.
From your example i think you can use the attribute filter from the fetch list function and not the search function.
With this you can filter on multiple attributes from the same class.
You cannot however do a search within this result. So you can get all results where "color=black" and "size=small" and "Eyes=green" and "age<2". If "Cats" is also an attribute you can filter on this too. For instance list all results where "species=Cats" and "color=black" and "size=small" and "Eyes=green" and "age<2".
You cannot search for the occurence of "Cats" in all the (searchable) attributes in the resulted list ( where "color=black" and "size=small" and "Eyes=green" and "age<2". )