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redirect after publishing

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Hakeem Diab

Sunday 04 September 2005 8:27:17 am

I have a form and I want to redirect after the form submiting .
I have used
<input type="hidden" name="RedirectURI" value={"content/view/full/2"|ezurl} />
but it does not work.
I have ez publish 3.6.1

pls tell me on the fly.

Kristof Coomans

Sunday 04 September 2005 10:44:47 pm

Is it a form for content/edit? Then the name of your input field should be <b>RedirectURIAfterPublish</b>. You can also specify the location to redirect to if you discard the draft. The name of this input field is <b>RedirectIfDiscarded</b>.

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