I created a little php application to help users to choose products. This application retrieve technical information from a MySql DB. I need suggestions to integrate this php page in eZpublish, without kernel hacking. Some ideas?
Do you want the PHP file to be run locally on the eZp machine or do you just want to display the results of the PHP file which is run on a remote machine?
The latter.
We have several php application (and perl and other applications for that matter) running on other servers and I just want to display e.g. a seach page (viewed in the eZ system but with all functionality on the other server) and the results. See e.g. http://frontpage.cbs.dk/jobs/stil.pl (in this case however the application is written in perl). This integration is done by manually copying the design from the Ez site and including it in the perl file, but of course it would be much better just to include the results and not the design
I would like to include a php page in the eZpublish content without copy eZpublish design in the PHP file (I don't want to remember to update this file every time that I edit something in eZpublish...). I think that the solution is only the creation of an extension...
You could simply write an operator that fetches an URL and outputs it into a template. Of course you would need to either:
- change the output of the original site so it doesn't contain HTML and BODY tags.
- make the operator strip tags that you don't want - display the page in an iframe