Tuesday 06 October 2009 9:27:58 am
There's a lot of ways to get to the results you want, usually, albeit with a maintenance burden bigger than expected. If extension A declares his templates as part of design A, you can code extension B to put his ones in design B. Then in the design fallback chain you put design B first, and the designs of extension B will always become before the ones from extension A, regardless of the order of extension loading. As for the override.ini file itself, I usually try to keep it whole in a siteaccess, and not to split it between settings/override,settings/siteaccess and extension/xxx/settings, because it is hard enough to maintain it when it is a single block (it is the only one where the order of configuration blocks matters). Note: most of the time the extensions ADD new settings, so the cases where the order of loading is important should not be many (such cases might be eg. the reset of array-valued settings as the tabs shown in the admin interface or the active login handlers). If you have many conflicts, it is generally a sign of a layering problem within your extensions. The same applies to the templates fallbacks and overrides.
Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board