Howto turn off:"input did not validate..." message ? / Developer / Forums - Share eZ Publish! The eZ Publish Community

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Howto turn off:"input did not validate..." message ?

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Wednesday 20 July 2005 12:24:26 am

It should be an easy task, a setting or so, but where?

Does anyone know?

Pål J Didriksen

Wednesday 20 July 2005 12:33:27 am

You can edit the class, and uncheck the "required"-checkbox, if the problem is that eZ doesn't allow you to leave fields empty.

But if you want to, for example, make eZ accept values in the email-datatype that doesn't qualify as an email-address, you will probably have to make a new datatype as an extension.


Wednesday 20 July 2005 1:02:55 am

When publishing content, ez doesn't allow a lots of tags, so the editors get tens of lines on top with messages (input did not validate..tag removed...).

I want the system to still validate, but not give the messages. There have to be an easy solution to turn this off``??

Łukasz Serwatka

Sunday 31 July 2005 12:29:25 am

<i> ez doesn't allow a lots of tags, so the editors get tens of lines on top with messages</i>

This depends of field which you using, you can switch from xml filed to text field, then you can use all xhtml tags, but this is of course not a way how to manage with content, xml filed accept couple of tags, because we want to separate content from design.

You can edit file edit_validation.tpl for admin design. Look in to design\admin\templates\content\edit.tpl there is {include uri='design:content/edit_validation.tpl'} which returns validation output and edit_validation.tpl in the same directory.

I hope this will help you.

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