Christian Rytter
Wednesday 07 April 2004 6:59:53 am
Hi I have browsed all the information available on the site, regarding how to get a specific translation of a node object. Basically, what I wish to do, is to create a download page with a set of files. The template is there and so is the files. Next, I need to support different languages of each version. Well, how tough can it be? Just use the builtin language system. So I created a file with two languages (and two different file names). Everything is fine, but how do I retrieve a specific file in a specific version? I have been told, that this should be possible through: Where dan-DK specifies the language, but I dont get any different data. So, the question is, how to do it? I could possibly be reading a the wrong data, I dont know.. Anyways, anyone help would be greatly appreciated. Best Regards, Christian Rytter