Forums / Developer / How to send module result back to the form page ?

How to send module result back to the form page ?

Author Message

Franck Grenier

Thursday 17 December 2009 1:04:25 am

I've created a quizz extension with a module that handles the user answer.
The quizz form is submitted to my module at "quizz/reponse". After the module actions, I would like to go back to the quizz page with the result of the module.
How can I do that ?

Developer at Open Wide

Jérôme Vieilledent

Monday 21 December 2009 2:51:59 am

Hi Franck

First, you may use eZ Survey extension for that ;).

eZ Publish sets a LastAccessesURI session variable. Then, what you to do is to check if it exists and redirect the user to this URI or to a default one.

Example :

$Module = $Params['Module'];
$http = eZHTTPTool::instance();

if ( $http->hasSessionVariable( "LastAccessesURI" ) ) // Check if LastAccessesURI exists
  $userRedirectURI = $http->sessionVariable( "LastAccessesURI" );
  $userRedirectURI = 'content/view/full/2'; // Default redirect

$Module->redirectTo( $userRedirectURI );