Forums / Developer / How to recieve a parameter sent using "FORM" get

How to recieve a parameter sent using "FORM" get

Author Message

John Mina

Tuesday 25 May 2004 11:28:03 am

HI all
i would like to send a paramete between tow template pages. Iwill use a linke and concatinate "?part=2" to the url. this part had been doen correctly and when i go to the destination page trying to retrieve the valuye or the parameter send "part" which value = "2" i fail as i don't knwo how to do it
I tried the PHP way to retrieve it <?php echo $_Post["part"]?> this also dind't work

Can any one please help me ?

your help is highly appricaited, i am trying to use this to break the article into 2 parts
John Mina

Roman Mudrack

Wednesday 02 June 2004 12:35:34 am


try this :
{let part=ezhttp('part',get)}. Should work :)

John Mina

Wednesday 02 June 2004 11:58:34 pm

Hi Thanks,
I solved it in another way , i used the offset parameter , and the same way it recieves the offset i recieve it :)
but i will try your advice it is fine

-----after while----- i added the next part------
It worked in a good easy way