Wednesday 07 October 2009 12:55:07 am
I'll extend this question with another example. Node $node has two translations with two different object names that should result in two different URL aliases. URL translations are enabled (version 4.2, default config): <?php
$node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( 67, 'pol-PL' ); //default lang
var_dump( $node->urlAlias() );
$node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( 67, 'eng-US' );
var_dump( $node->urlAlias() );
The above code returns two differently populated $node objects, but the urlAlias() method returns the same value - why? Is it because it always returns a valid URL alias based on environment (current siteaccess) settings? Since not the above, what would be the way to fetch URL aliases for different translations of a node?
Thanks, Piotrek
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