Monday 13 March 2006 2:55:42 pm
Who would have thought someone else was looking at this today too! The first thing you have to do is make sure you have your host name correctly set in your settings/siteaccess/example-aa/staticcache.ini.append.php
It seems the static cache class in the kernel is set up in such a way that it assumes you use url-based siteaccesses. After some headscratching and hacking the debug output, I got makestaticcache.php to work, I edited kernel/classes/ezstaticcache.php: and changed line 318 from: $fileName = "http://$hostname$dir$url";
to $fileName = "http://$hostname$url";
I had been planning to file a bug report today. The static cache should check the site.ini settings to work out where on the host to find your site. I managed to get the static cache to generate correctly i this way, but I have still not got the smart cache clearing to extend to the static cache. I'll post back here if I get it all working. Good luck! Matthew