Sunday 05 October 2008 7:12:01 pm
Hello, I have 16 classes, each one of them has the attribute (line text) named "Product code" with his identifier product_code I would like to do the following: Fetch from node XXX depth 100 all items instances of all the 16 classes that match the criteria "product_code equals to 'text to compare'" something like this:
{set $newchildren=fetch_alias('children', hash( 'parent_node_id', 172,
depth, 100,
'class_filter_type', 'include',
'class_filter_array', $newclasses,
array( 'or', array('modelo_de_producto/product_code' , '=', "text to compare" ))
) )}
Being <strong>$newclasses</strong> the names of all the 16 classes. What I cannot get straight is the
array( 'or', array('modelo_de_producto/product_number' , '=', "text to compare"
As I have always to write the class name plus the attribute, here <strong>modelo_de_producto</strong> is one of the classes to search (one of the 16 classes). How can I make the fetch for all the 16 classes instances? Can someone help me please. I am near to my deadline with this! thanks
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