Camilo Cienfuegos
Monday 25 June 2007 8:16:04 am
Hello, I'm retrieving a tree of objects with:
$sortBy = " array('priority', true) ";
$data =& eZContentFunctionCollection::fetchObjectTree(
144, // parentNodeId
$sortBy,// sortBy
false, //onlyTranslated
false, //language
0, //offset
false, //limit
3, //depth
false, //depthOperator
false, //classID
false, //attribute_filter
false, //extended_attribute_filter
false, //class_filter_type
false, //class_filter_array
false, //groupBy
false, //mainNodeOnly
true, //ignoreVisibility
true, //limitation
true // asObject
The method returns data, but it is not sorting the objects by priority. Can anyone help? Many thanks
André R.
Monday 25 June 2007 8:24:41 am
$sortBy = array('priority', true);
EDIT: Should probably also give a better example of code, I'm not sure where you got that one from.
$nodeObjects =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTree(
array( 'Depth' => 3,
'Limit' => 50,
'Offset' => 0,
'SortBy' => array('priority', true),
'DepthOperator' => 'lt',
'ClassFilterType' => 'include',
'ClassFilterArray' => array('folder'),
'AsObject' => true
), 144 );
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