Tuesday 09 December 2003 4:33:59 am
i use the following code: <select name="{$attribute_base}_ml_goto_{$attribute.id}[]" multiple size="25"> {section loop=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, 5,depth, 2, class_filter_type, "exclude", class_filter_array, array(3) ))}
<option value="{$:item.contentobject_id}"
{section show=and($attribute.content.uids|contains($:item.contentobject_id),is_array($attribute.content.uids))}selected="selected"{/section} >{$:item.name|wash} ({$:item.data_map.user_account.content.email}) </option> {/section} </select> = fetch all users into a selectbox and mark the users in $attribute.content.uids (=array of contentobject_ids) as selected. the code works, but for 450 users it takes about 90 sec (!) to display the page (90% in template) has anyone any idea how to speed this up? thx, gernot