Forums / Developer / Datatype : Mix multioption & ObjectsRelation ?

Datatype : Mix multioption & ObjectsRelation ?

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H-Works Agency

Sunday 03 December 2006 6:50:49 am

Hi all,

I am creating a webshop based on EZP.

My problem is that i don't know how to handle the complex product structure i am facing though it's a classical structure for products.

My products have this structure :

color 0 => (size list for color 0 -> quantity for this color into this size)
=> images list (for this color)

color 1 => (size list -> quantity)
=> images list


The first relation (color =>size list -> quantity) can be handeled by the multi-option datatype (though i have to use 'additional_price' as quantity.

But how can i assign to each color a list of pictures stored into the media/images ?

I am shure this problem has already been seen.

Do i have to create a new datatype ?

Do i have to use multioption + objects relation and use the name of the color in multioption as the name of the image in objects relations to link the two ?

Thanx for your help. Martin

EZP is Great