Forums / Developer / Critical image problem on 3.2-1 > 3.2-3 upgrade

Critical image problem on 3.2-1 > 3.2-3 upgrade

Author Message

Craig Hirsch

Sunday 02 November 2003 8:55:43 am


I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this behavior, which effectively prevents me from upgrading 3.2-1 to 3.2-3 right now:

First, I am running ezPublish 3.2-1 on Windows2K with Apache 1.3.28.

The issue (confirmed on two separate upgrade attempts):

1) I upgrade the ezPublish codebase using the zipped distribution of 3.2-3, then run the 3.2-1 to 3.2-2 and 3.2-2 to 3.2-3 SQL files on the database, and clear all cached files.

2) EVERYTHING appears to be working properly after the upgrade. All content objects with associated image datatypes display those images on the user and admin sites without any problem.

3) The problem arises when I attempt to EDIT any content object with one or more associated image datatypes. When I create a new draft for a content object with one or more images associated, I see that the image filename displays, but the link to the image thumbnail is broken. Viewing source reveals that the edit page thumbnail image tag is just '<img src="">'.

4) Publishing the new draft destroys the image associations and the content object subsequently displays without its images.

I have verified that NEW images that are associated with a given content object work properly. The problem relates to the hundreds of images that are already attached to content objects on my production 3.2-1 instance. I couldn't possibly re-upload them all!

I have also verified that the image files themselves are STILL in their appropriate /var/storage directory, unchanged from before the upgrade. The ezimage database table also is unchanged from its 3.2-1 incarnation; all image associations seem to be fine in the db.

I hope we can diagnose and fix the problem -- I'd really like to upgrade the application!


Paul Borgermans

Sunday 02 November 2003 12:17:05 pm

That's strange. I did an upgrade from a 3.0beta2 to 3.2-3 and don't have these problems (but its on Linux).

Try running the update scripts in update\common\scripts too (that's what I did anyway), maybe it is with the url_alias or xml in the article.


eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training

Valentin Svelland

Monday 10 November 2003 5:13:27 am

I got the same problem as Craig, upgrading from 3.2-2 to 3.2-3!! I'm running on linux platform.

Craig Hirsch

Monday 10 November 2003 6:46:46 pm

Replacing the 3.2-1 /kernel/classes/datatypes/ezimage/* files with those from 3.2-3, all by itself, is enough to cause the EXACT same error behavior. (The function below also needs to be added to ezimagemanager.php to make the new code functional).

Returns the mime info for the mime type $mimeType.
function mimeInfo( $mimeType )
if ( isset( $this->MIMEMap[$mimeType] ) )
return $this->MIMEMap[$mimeType];
return false;

For my next trick, I'll see if I can fix this unfortunate bug.
