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Change the URL/URI separator

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Dominic Luechinger

Thursday 28 December 2006 4:25:07 pm

Is there a possibility to change the URL separator (by default: "_") in the ez publish.
The problem is, that this constitution isn't usefull for SEO (Search engine optimization), because a link like will be interpreteted as "contact_form" and not as "contact","form".
See more on:


kracker (the)

Friday 29 December 2006 2:23:23 am

I've heard a lot of talk about this feature request.
I hear it's ... complicated and deeply involved.

That said back in 2003 it did not seem so complicated,

While the above thread is 'a' starting point,
It seems much of this functionality has since been abstracted a few times.

Follow the php code's execution order...
file, 'kernel/classes/ezcontentobjecttreenode.php', function 'pathWithNames()'
file, 'kernel/classes/ezurlalias.php', function 'convertToAlias()'

     Converts the path \a $urlElement into a new alias url which only conists of characters
     in the range a-z, numbers and _.
     All other characters are converted to _.
     \return the converted element

     'My car' => 'my_car'
     'What is this?' => 'what_is_this'
     'This & that' => 'this_that'
     'myfile.tpl' => 'myfile_tpl',
     '<F8><E6><E5>' => 'oeaeaa'
    function convertToAlias( $urlElement, $defaultValue = false )
        include_once( 'lib/ezi18n/classes/ezchartransform.php' );
        $trans =& eZCharTransform::instance();

        $urlElement = $trans->transformByGroup( $urlElement, 'urlalias' );
        if ( strlen( $urlElement ) == 0 )
            if ( $defaultValue === false )
                $urlElement = '_1';
                $urlElement = $defaultValue;
                $urlElement = $trans->transformByGroup( $urlElement, 'urlalias' );
        return $urlElement;

file, 'lib/ezi18n/classes/ezchartransform.php', function 'transformByGroup()'
file, 'lib/ezi18n/classes/ezcodemapper.php', function 'executeCommandCode()'

 function executeCommandCode( &$text, $command, $charsetName )
        if ( $command['command'] == 'url_cleanup' or
             $command['command'] == 'identifier_cleanup' )
            $text = strtolower( $text );
            $text = preg_replace( array( "#[^a-z0-9_ ]#",
                                         "/ /",
                                         "/^_|_$/" ),
                                  array( " ",
                                         "" ),
                                  $text );
            return true;

I believe with some tinkering around here and perhapses a few other locations in the code (one edit for interpretation and one edit for generation ... of-urls-using-dashes-rather-than-underscores) the theory is it's possible. Though this could open up other as of yet unknown breakdowns resulting from these modifications which would need to be addressed for a complete solution.

the lifestyle of private modifications which never see distribution is a sad one indeed ... contribute to your local community!</i>

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