Paul Forsyth
Monday 10 April 2006 2:07:20 am
Hi James, Its located here: If you visit a contribution page such as: you should see a link on the right side with '(external url)' which is normally a link to the svn source. I should be able to upload in the next day or so. We were fixing a few bugs with our code last week. Daniel, i want to restructure the top level of the extension a little to add a branch,trunk and tags directory. I hope this is ok. I want to put our changes on a branch to allow for better testing. Paul
Paul Forsyth
Monday 10 April 2006 4:04:39 am
Ok, i've added the code on another branch: Have a play! As our support will show virtual years and months it will only activate for folders which are sorted by either the published or modified date. We think this makes sense :) It will work on 3.7 but notices are shown so disable these in index.php. Someone could make a branch to remove the few notices that appear for a pure 3.7+ version :) This version works for 3.6+ if notices are disabled. ShowClasses/HideClasses does work :) If there are issues please let us know. Paul
Daniel Beyer
Monday 10 April 2006 8:19:12 am
Hi Paul, changing the structure in svn is just fine with me. I'll take a look to our contribution soon!!! Greetings, Daniel.
Daniel Beyer
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
Paul Forsyth
Monday 10 April 2006 8:34:21 am
I've just added a new tag for the 1.0.7 release: This should allow those who need the current release to fetch if they need. Paul
Dariusz Wlodarczyk
Monday 10 April 2006 12:54:05 pm
There is no menu when i add another location to node (when i browse for new location) on ezp3.6.6 --- UDPATED (18.04.2006) --- I upgrade from 1.0.7 to the SVN Trunk (revision 1055) and now is all ok ;)
Paulo Almeida
Wednesday 12 April 2006 3:54:43 am
Is there any option to increase timeout, because im my case, when i'm unfonding some folders give me "Unable to expand menu. Remote server error". I think that is a timeout problem, because it runs really well in smaller structures. ------ UPDATE ---- i forgot to clear cache in this website after activare this extension, so this was my fault.
PACPI.COM Internet Consulting
Paul Forsyth
Wednesday 12 April 2006 6:42:50 am
Which version of the extension are you using? There are now three:
SVN Trunk (only available on SVN Virtual_Folders (only available on Paul
Siniša Šehović
Tuesday 18 April 2006 12:11:40 pm
Hi Paul
I have installed it from svn on 3.8.0rc1 and I don't see tree anymore?! Is it supposed to work on 3.8.0 or I just have to wait for new release? ;-)
Best regards, S.
If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.
Sébastien Hordeaux
Wednesday 19 April 2006 12:42:14 am
If some users have trouble using the menu in the sense of they only see a small white space below the menu when they click on the [+] sign, it can be solved by disabling template debug and list of used templates options :)
Paul Forsyth
Wednesday 19 April 2006 1:07:45 am
I havent tried with 3.8 yet :) Are there any errors being reported in the debug?
Siniša Šehović
Wednesday 19 April 2006 1:53:03 am
Hi Paul No errors in debug just some warnings about missing translation :-) S.
If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.
Paul Forsyth
Wednesday 19 April 2006 3:59:47 am
I'll try to take a look later today :) Which version of the menu are you using? Paul
Paul Forsyth
Wednesday 19 April 2006 4:27:28 am
I've checked with 3.8 beta2 and it works as expected. I used the virtual_folders branch to test with. One thing to watch out for is that with 3.8 in settings/contentstructuremenu.ini the default items shown in the menu are: ShowClasses[]=folder
which is a weird choice to me. this might explain why you dont see any entries in the menu. paul
Marc Boon
Thursday 20 April 2006 2:23:45 am
Sebastian wrote: If some users have trouble using the menu in the sense of they only see a small white space below the menu when they click on the [+] sign, it can be solved by disabling template debug and list of used templates options :)
Thanks a lot for this hint! Can this be fixed? It's a weird and unexpected dependency that breaks this otherwise great extension.
Paul Forsyth
Thursday 20 April 2006 2:36:51 am
Could you provide steps to allow this issue to be reproduced? I've just tried and the template debug view explodes all templates which i feel is to be expected. However, i think you must be speaking about something else. Paul
Marc Boon
Thursday 20 April 2006 2:58:33 am
The menu won't show at all in admin/content/browse, e.g. when browsing for adding a related object during edit. I get an error and a warning: Error: eZTemplate
No such attribute for array(7): node_id
Choose one of following: navigation_part, path, content, is_default_navigation_part, ui_context, ui_component, uri
Warning: PHP
Undefined variable: ezcst_unfolded_node_list in D:\WWW\ezpublish\extension\ezodcsm\modules\odcsm\ezodcsmfunctioncollection.php on line 48
Paul Forsyth
Thursday 20 April 2006 3:09:21 am
Which version of the menu are you using?
Marc Boon
Thursday 20 April 2006 3:20:16 am
ezpublish 3.7.4 ezodcsm 1.07
Paul Forsyth
Thursday 20 April 2006 3:24:50 am
Would you able to try the version(s) in svn? The trunk and 'virtual_folders' branch have improvements.
Stig Aune
Thursday 20 April 2006 3:39:14 am
I am a bit confused as to what the difference is between the different branches on svn. Can anyone explain which is what?