Thursday 28 May 2009 4:18:17 am
Hello, I found a bug at line 1240 of datatype/ezobjectrelationbrowsetype.php $object->addContentObjectRelation( $objectID, $ObjectVersion, $ContentObjectID, $contentClassAttributeID);
This line must be : $object->addContentObjectRelation( $objectID, $ObjectVersion, $contentClassAttributeID,eZContentObject::RELATION_ATTRIBUTE);
according the declaration method in kernel/classes/ezcontentobject.php line 2565 function addContentObjectRelation( $toObjectID,
$fromObjectVersion = false,
$attributeID = 0,
$relationType = eZContentObject::RELATION_COMMON )
Without this fix, the datatype works fine, but the relation and reverse relation list was wrong in the admin interface and moreover an bad record was present in ezcontentobject_link table. Strangely, when you published the content a second time, the bug was self-fixed... (the ezcontentobject_link table was fixed by another way in the code) ++
eZ c'est plus fort que toi !
@Novactive (